The UW Character Generation process...
1. Choose career combination and three career skills (two for some aliens)
2. Choose an origin and one origin skill (note attribute buffs, max +2)
Add alien details, if selected.
3. Stats: +2, +1, +1, +0, -1 to Mettle, Physique, Expertise, Influence, Interface
4. Advancement - simulate advancement for NPCs.
5. Workspace - Ask what is this person's workspace and where is it located?
6. Description - choose one from each line.
7. Starting assets - add custom items, mods, add career specific stuff.
Starting gear - Class 0 Attire, Two Class 1 Assets, One Class 2 Asset
8. Random Names - use the Random Language Generator for inspiration,
You can also try Instant Magical Girl or the Evil Robot Generator.
Assign an archetype to this character based on their careers and origin.